Enrollment in DGL pre-collegiate Greek and Latin courses is by application only. Parents wishing their children to enroll in DGL courses should seek the nomination by a teacher, a school Principal or Department Head. Applications not supported by nominations are not accepted, though hardy student volunteers may seek admission through a personal interview with Dr. Roberts (see DGL Code of Ethics).  The level of challenge presented by the DGL curriculum is such that only a student who him or herself has "taken responsibility for their own education" can have any hope of success. That the parent wants it for the student is not enough; the student himself must want it and be deeply committed both to expending the effort required to master this difficult subject matter and to abiding by the DGL ethos.

DGL courses are free to students of the Detroit Public Schools; all others pay on a sliding scale. Submit nominations to .

Notice of acceptance will come no later than mid-August; classes will begin after Labor Day.


As in a varsity sport, the ethos of responsibility to the progress of the team reigns in the DGL classroom. Lack of enthusiasm, effort, commitment, and respect—for one's peers, for the instructor, for one's books, for the subject matter—will not be tolerated. A spirit of mutual respect, as among peers and comrades, prevails. Participation in the DGL curriculum is a privilege, rather than a right. The notion of 'required' is foreign to the DGL spirit. Rather, effort expended in class, and in private burning of the proverbial "midnight oil," stands as service to the one's own sense of excellence. The effort expended—"homework"—is not a thing to be dreaded and forestalled, a chore performed under duress, or something to be delayed and put off for as long as possible. (For unexcused absence there is Zero-Tolerance: to miss a DGL class without excuse is to lose one's seat in that class. Likewise, to bully, or show disrespect to an instructor of fellow student, is to cease to be a DGL student.) A DGL student bullies only him or herself to higher level of achievement in mastery of Greek and Latin, and in moral integrity; the "harsh instructor" the DGL scholar surrenders whole to is him or herself. The DGL scholar studies Ancient Greek, Latin, and the ancient world out of love—if only love of getting ahead in life—or he or she does not study it at all. As in varsity sport, a DGL student recognizes that there are no shortcuts; the only guarantee of success is hard work.